Honors Humanities Staff
Discover the hard-working people who power Honors Humanities
Randy Ontiveros
Director of Honors Humanities, College of Arts and Humanities
Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature, English
Affiliate Associate Professor, The Harriet Tubman Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Affiliate Associate Professor in U.S. Latina/o Studies, American Studies
Affiliate Faculty, Latin American and Caribbean Studies Center
3232 Tawes Hall
College Park
Associate Director
Graduate Assistants
205 Instructors
Aneta Georgievska-Shine
Senior Lecturer, Renaissance and Baroque Art, Theory; Director of Undergraduate Studies, Art History and Archaeology
Honors Humanities Faculty Fellow, College of Arts and Humanities
4220 Parren J. Mitchell Art-Sociology Building
College Park
Marilyn Matar
Director, Language House
Assistant Clinical Professor and LH Director, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Assistant Clinical Professor, French
Honors Humanities Faculty Fellow, College of Arts and Humanities
3106F Jimenez Hall
College Park
Ingrid Satelmajer
Honors Humanities Faculty Fellow, College of Arts and Humanities
Lecturer, English
Humanities Building Service Team
Kayon Thompson and Maria Reyes Honors
Maria joined our Honors Humanities staff in 2016. She services floors one and three, as well as half of the ground floor. Kayon joined HH in 2021. She services floors two and four, as well as half of the ground floor. Maria and Kayon work year-round to maintain our community spaces. Please join them in keeping our HoHum home clean!