Newsroom Landing Page
The Newsroom is a landing page showcasing all of your Unit’s news and announcements.
Newsroom Layout
The Header is the large image across the top of the page. You can change this image, if desired. See Adding Images for directions.
“Featured News” or “In the News” Sections
The Newsroom landing page is designed as a home for all of your Unit’s published news and announcements. Depending on how your Newsroom was set up, you may have sections (or widgets) called “Featured” or “In the News” set up at the top of the page. These widgets automatically display news items with those “Display Area” tags. You can control which news item displays in these sections by editing the News item and adding the desired tag under the “Display Area” field.
Search Bar
The search bar is towards the center of the Newsroom page. It allows users to search for a news item with a certain name or filter by “News Category.” Inside each News item, “News Category” is a field that functions as a tag. You add as many “News Category” tags as desired to a news item.
You cannot edit the search bar or the News Category terms.
News Listing
Under the search bar is the listing of all of your site’s published news or announcements. The articles appear in chronological order, with the most recent articles displaying first.
Each news item on the list will display an image (inset), news title, publication date (the date the item was created on your site), and teaser. You can edit these fields in the individual news item. External news items (or news items that link directly to an external website) will show the external publication’s name.
Visit Adding/Editing News to learn more about these fields.
Other Widgets
You can add and rearrange other widgets on the Newsroom landing page. The widgets will function the same as they do on a Basic Page. For example, TDPS added an Accordian widget and two buttons for website users to view and/or sign up for their email newsletters at the bottom of the page: