ARHU Faculty Earn Promotion and Tenure
September 17, 2021

29 faculty members have received promotion and/or tenure.
By ARHU Staff
Dean Bonnie Thornton Dill is pleased to announce that the following College of Arts and Humanities (ARHU) faculty members at the University of Maryland have received promotion and/or tenure, effective as of the start of the Fall 2021 academic year.
Congratulations to everyone!
Promotion to the rank of professor:
Eric Adler, Department of Classics
GerShun Avilez, Department of English
Hester Baer, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Alejandro Cañeque, Department of History
Rachel Manekin, Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Program and Center for Jewish Studies
Stefano Villani, Department of History
Psyche Williams-Forson, Department of American Studies
Promotion to the rank of associate professor with tenure:
Stephanie Prichard, School of Music
Ting Zhang, Department of History
Recognition or professional track faculty promotions to the rank indicated:
Amanda Allen, Department of English, Senior Lecturer
Robin Allen-Klein, Department of English, Senior Lecturer
Sabrina Baron, Department of History, Principal Lecturer
Alexandra Calloway, Department of English, Senior Lecturer
Nia Crawford, Department of English, Senior Lecturer
Sarah Dammeyer, Department of English, Senior Lecturer
Andrew Delfino, Department of English, Senior Lecturer
Lyra Hilliard, Department of English, Principal Lecturer
Danuta Hinc, Department of English, Principal Lecturer
Regina Ianozi, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Associate Clinical Professor
Justin Lohr, Department of English, Principal Lecturer
Caitlin Marshall, School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies, Senior Lecturer
Matthew McLaughlin, Department of Art, Senior Lecturer
Scott Moses, Department of English, Principal Lecturer
Daune O'Brien, Department of English, Senior Lecturer
Pamela Orel, Department of English, Principal Lecturer
Ruth Anne Phillips, Department of English, Senior Lecturer
Craig Potter, School of Music, Senior Lecturer
Howard Smead, Department of History, Principal Lecturer
Eric Thiel, Department of English, Senior Lecturer