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Credit overload (exceeding the number of allowable credits in a semester/term) limit

Dean's Exception to Policy to exceed credit limit

Each of the following items MUST be completed to submit the request for review. Any exception request that does not include this information will not be reviewed. In addition, students requesting any exceptions must do so with their primary college. This form is for the use of ARHU primary majors only.

List all courses planned for semester along with corresponding course numbers for each course.
To support your request, provide a brief explanation of why you are requesting permission to exceed credit limit.
Indicate the total credit load you are requesting.
I understand that if I have not received a response within 7-10 business days it is my responsibility to email to inquire about the status of my request.
I acknowledge that in making this request, I may need to meet with an advisor in person to discuss the circumstances of the request before a decision is rendered.
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