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Events - Web User Guide

Event Tutorials and Templates

Create an event when you want to post a planned public or social occasion to your website's calendar. E.g. "Student Scholarship Awards Ceremony," "Panel Discussion With Professor X About Their New Book."

Watch the tutorial video recorded on zoom, or use the guide below to learn how to post an event to your website. You can also download this guide as a PDF to print.

About Tagging Events

Event Category: You'll find these tags on the "Basic Info" tab of Events. These tags allow visitors to the site to filter content on the calendar and in the newsroom.

Display Areas and Other Tags to Filter Widgets: There are types of tags that tell the website where to display your news and events, all of which are set on the "tagging" tab, shown below: 1) Audience, 2) Display Area 3) Research Expertise 4) Content Tags. 

  1. Audience: The news and events widgets on your site's audience-based pages can be set up to filter by audience. For example, on most unit websites, these pages use the following tags to curate news and events widgets:
    1. Prospective Students - uses "prospective students" tag
    2. Current Students - uses "undergraduate" and "graduate" tags
    3. Faculty and Staff (sometimes called "Faculty & Staff Resources") - uses "faculty" and "staff" tags
    4. Alumni (sometimes called "Alumni and Donors) - uses "alumni" tag
    5. Contact us - uses "visitor" tag

If your department has enough events to populate these sections with specially curated content, then talk to your project coordinator about setting up the widgets on these pages to filter by audience tags. 

  1. Display Area: Depending on your site, there are three to four pages that contain display areas managed by this tag:
    1. Research page
      1. Featured Research Event 
      2. Featured Research News 
    2. Service Page (not all units have a service page)
      1. Featured Service Event 
      2. Featured Service News
    3. Home Page
      1. Home Page Events
      2. Home Page Hero (on some old websites this was called the "Spotlight" or "Banner"
      3. Home Page News
    4. Newsroom
      1. Newsroom Feature
      2. Newsroom In the News

Note: You will see some additional available tags in this area that are not relevant to your site: Header, Home Page Flex, Home Page Research, Inset, Profile Photo, Testimonial, and We Are. Please ignore them.

  1. Research Expertise: Please tag your news and events with appropriate research expertise terms. Note that you will have access to all the terms in use across all the sites.  
    1. Calendar - One of the filtering options for events is research expertise term
    2. Newsroom - The research expertise terms impact the search function.  
    3. Special research-focused pages on your site. For example, the "Language Acquisition" page on the linguistics department site, or any of the other thematic pages in their research section.
  2. Content Tags: These are tags that do not fit any of the above categories. Some of these tags may have been in use on your previous site. You can also use these tags to curate content for news and events widgets. For example, the Miller Center and the Center for Global Migration Studies on the history department website use special content tags to pull content to their respective landing pages. Any special pages on your site that need curated content can use this feature. 

You can create new tags at any time, but we recommend only creating new tags when you specifically want to create a news or event widget with a particular type of content. For example, if your unit begins a new major research project that will have its own webpage and regular events.

  1. Shared Content: Before you tag another unit in a news or event, please contact the unit to make sure that 1) they would like to be tagged and 2) They have not already created an event.