Jiménez-Porter Writers' House Prospective Students
Apply to the Jiménez-Porter Writers’ House and live in community with other writers!
The Jiménez-Porter Writers' House is a two-year creativing writing living and learning program at the University of Maryland, College Park. We are a multicultural hub of writers from across campus and undergraduate years that work together to improve our writing and craft. We offer courses in fiction (including a course in science fiction and fantasy), poetry, screenwriting and publication. Our writers live and work together over their time in Queen Anne’s Hall generating work, revising it, sending it out for publication, and self-publishing a physical or digital chapbook of their own original work.
Outside of the classroom, writers attend events like Writers Here and Now, the annual JPWH retreat, and other community building events to both improve their understanding of the writing world beyond college classes but also to strengthen their relationships with their fellow writers. Students also have access to the Production lab, with JPWH’s Chapbook Archive, free printing, and study space. Student-led groups, like Novel Writers’ Support Group, Terpoets and Stylus, are also all based within the JPWH community, but they open to all UMD students.
Questions? Email us at JPWritersHouse@umd.edu.