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Collegiate Council

The Collegiate Council is the chief body of shared governance in the College of Arts and Humanities.

As specified in the ARHU Plan of Organization, the Collegiate Council is the chief body of shared governance of the college. Each academic unit in the college elects one member (and one alternate who attends and votes in the absence of the elected representative) from among its faculty. In addition, representatives of professional-track faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, exempt and non-exempt staff serve on the Council. Council members shall serve two-year terms and no member shall serve more than two successive terms. The Dean and the Dean's representatives, if any, shall have voice, but not vote, in the Collegiate Council.


  1. To act as the chief representative and advocate of the constituent members of the College.
  2. To consult with the Dean, academic and administrative unit heads, and other administrators regarding academic and administrative matters before the College.
  3. To communicate matters of academic and administrative policy to College's constituent members.
  4. To solicit information and opinion of the College constituent members on academic and administrative matters before the College.
  5. To participate in crafting, periodic revision, and approval of the College strategic plan.
  6. To promote excellence in instruction, research, and creative activities, and to advise the Dean on long-range plans for the professional and physical development of the College.
  7. To administer the regular or special election of PTK representatives to the Senate and all faculty, staff, and student At-Large representatives to the Collegiate Council, consistent with the procedures in this Plan and the Plan of Organization for Shared Governance at the University of Maryland, College Park.
  8. To facilitate communication among the constituent units and members of the College.
  9. To oversee the periodic review of the College Plan of Organization, as specified in Article VIII.
  10. To oversee amendments to the College Plan of Organization, as specified in Article XI.
  11. To review and approve unit-level plans of organization, as specified in Article VIII.
  12. To elect representatives to the Administrative Council, the Academic Planning and Advisory Committee, and the Technology Advisory Committee, as provided in this Plan.
  13. To supply the Dean with slates of candidates from which the Dean may consider appointments to the councils, committees, task forces, and other administrative, deliberative, and/or advisory bodies described in this plan.
  14. To advise the Provost and any committee appointed by the Provost on the selection or renewal of the Dean of the College. This function includes, but is not limited to: advising the Provost on procedures for the search, forwarding the names of candidates to be considered by the search committee, forwarding concerns of the faculty of the College on matters regarding the selection of Dean, and responding to requests from the search committee for evaluation of the candidates.

Collegiate Council Members

  • Stephanie Shonekan, Dean (ex-officio)
  • Trevor Parry-Giles, Associate Dean, ARHU (ex-officio)
  • Stephanie Prichard, Associate Professor, Music (Chair)
  • Andrea Zukowski, Research Scientist, Linguistics (Vice Chair)
  • Jennifer Barclay, Associate Professor, Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies
  • Robert Chiles, Senior Lecturer, History
  • Sara Dammeyer, Senior Lecturer, English
  • Allison Reisinger Durbin, Assistant Clinical Professor, Music
  • Emily Egan, Assistant Professor, Art History and Archaeology
  • Nathan Gerszon Frenkel, Undergraduate Student
  • Julie Gowin, Coordinator, Communication
  • Chiara Graf, Assistant Professor, Classics
  • Shay Hazkani, Associate Professor, History/Jewish Studies
  • Belinda He, Assistant Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
  • Sahar Khamis, Associate Professor, Communication
  • Janelinid Kyomuhendo, Manager, Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
  • Adam Lloyd, Lecturer, English
  • Kodie Lustig, Graduate Student, Philosophy
  • Nancy Mirabal, Associate Professor, American Studies
  • Van Ngoc Tran Nguyen, Lecturer, Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies
  • Pamela Orel, Principal Lecturer, English
  • Sharada Balachandran Orihuela, Associate Professor, English
  • Eric Pacuit, Associate Professor, Philosophy
  • Tim Powell, Assistant Clinical Professor, Music
  • Michelle Rowley, Associate Professor, Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies
  • Justin Strom, Associate Professor, Art
  • Daniela Uribe, Undergraduate Student (Alternate)
