Professor Of English Receives Richard J. Finneran Award
March 13, 2013
Fraistat wins award for his edition of The Complete Poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley, vol. 3.
The College of Arts and Humanities would like to congratulate Professor of English Neil Fraistat for winning the 2013 Richard J. Finneran Award for his work on The Complete Poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley, vol. 3.
The Richard J. Finneran Award is presented every two years by the Society for Textual Scholarship for the outstanding edition or book on editorial theory published over the past two years. This year’s selection committee found the edition to be, in the words of one of the judges, an “exemplary peak of book-based textual scholarship.” Congratulations to Neil and Co-General Editors, Don Reiman and Nora Crook; Associate Editors, Stuart Curran, Michael J. Neth, and Michael O'Neill; and Assistant Editor, David Brookshire.