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Diversity, Inclusion & Equity: Task Force Report And College Implementation Plan

November 05, 2013 College of Arts and Humanities


A series of recommendations from the college’s Diversity Task Force as well as the Dean’s implementation response, all to support a diverse and inclusive College of Arts and Humanities.

Following the publication of the University’s Strategic Plan for Diversity, Transforming Maryland: Expectations for Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion (2010), Dean Bonnie Thornton Dill decided to form a complimentary initiative on behalf of the college.

In November 2011, the Dean appointed a Diversity Task Force that has since examined available data, both quantitative and qualitative, and held a series of focus groups with undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and staff to assess the college’s current standing as related to diversity and inclusion.  Last spring the task force presented their report and using the data analysis and recommendations of that report, we have prepared an implementation plan.


Please find below the report of the task force and the college's implementation plan:

