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Angela Davis Delivers Sold-Out Lecture In Stamp To 1,000

September 24, 2015 College of Arts and Humanities

Students wait for Angela Davis, a feminist and civil rights activist, to speak on social change in the Grand Ballroom of Stamp on September 24, 2015.

The activist and feminist addressed topics such as racism, animal rights and feminism.

By Jack Paciotti, The Diamondback

Photo Courtesy: Stephanie Natoli

As Angela Davis took the stage in the Grand Ballroom of the Stamp Student Union on Thursday night, a crowd erupted into applause and a standing ovation. 

And just as quickly as the the roar began, crowd of about 1,000 went silent, anxious to hear her speak.

“We have to figure out how we are going to change this world,” Davis said, “where profit is more important than people.” 

The feminist and civil rights activist’s sold-out lecture attracted swarms of people, who formed a line that snaked from the Grand Ballroom down toward the Baltimore Room.

Davis came to discuss feminism, animal rights, the deconstruction of the industrial prison system and racial justice, all of which she regularly advocates. But that doesn’t mean her attention or passion is spread thin — she’s well-versed in subjects across disciplines.

“She’s just so raw and passionate,” said Kima Oudit, a sophomore dance and psychology major. “She doesn’t hold back anything, and she just speaks the truth and … makes you want to do more.”

In light of the national discussion surrounding the deaths of black Americans such as Freddie Gray and Eric Garner, Davis reminisced about when she was a civil rights activist in the 1960s. She said she “couldn’t imagine standing here addressing some of the same issues as before.” 

She said while the country has progressed in terms of civil rights, it still has further to go.

Read more here.