Humanities, Health, and Medicine minor
The ARHU minor in Humanities, Health, and Medicine engages students in an interdisciplinary curriculum that applies the methods, perspectives, and insights of the arts and humanities to health and medical education as well as practice.
Through an exploration of human health and medicine using the inter-disciplinary questions and research methods of literary and cultural studies, as well as the arts, philosophy, communication, and history, the minor aims to develop and nurture skills such as empathy, ethical understanding, socio-cultural analysis, self-reflection, and an appreciation of diversity and inclusion that are essential for humane and effective medical care as well as sound health policy. This minor is open to all Undergraduate students on campus, regardless of major.
Program Learning Outcomes
- Students aspiring to enter the health or medical professions will be able to demonstrate a fundamental understanding of the diverse historical, cultural, ethical, and spiritual dimensions of medicine, human health, disease, and death.
- Students will be able to demonstrate a critical, interdisciplinary, empathetic, and holistic understanding of the issues and challenges faced by medical and health professionals.
- Students will be able to analyze and evaluate complex texts relating to the social and cultural aspects of medicine through close reading and critical interpretation of arguments, metaphors, and images.
- Students will demonstrate knowledge of the fundamentals of "real world" professional application, research, and communication in the health and medical fields, including the research of resources particular to the health professions.
Requirements | 18 Credits Total
ARHU230 | 3 credits
ARHU230: Introduction to Humanities, Health, and Medicine
ENGL395 or ENGL390 | 3 credits
Four courses in at least three of the following five core areas | 12 credits
- Arts and Literature of Health, Medicine, Disease, and Death
- Philosophical, Ethical, Religious, or Spiritual Perspectives on Health, Medicine, Disease, and Death
- Health Communication
- Historical Perspectives on Health, Medicine, Disease, and Death
- Cultural, Mental, Gender, or Social Dimensions on Health, Medicine, Disease, and Death
View a list of courses approved for each area in the section below.
At least one of the above courses must have a Gen Ed diversity (UPS or CC) designation.
Course List
Area 1: Arts and Literature of Health, Medicine, Disease, and Death
- ARTH 389A: The Art of Drawing: A Left and Right Brain Experience
- ARTH 389B: The Art of Color: A Left and Right Brain Experience
- ARTT 100: Two-Dimensional Design Fundamentals
- ARTT 110: Elements of Drawing I
- DANC 398Y: Yoga, Improvisation, and Embodied Metaphors: Investigating Philosophy through Movement
- ENGL 255: Literature of Science and Technology
- ENGL 296: Reading and Writing Disability (DSHU; DVUP)**
- KNES 289W: The Cybernetic Human
**Courses that meet the DVUP/DVCC Co-Requirement
Area 2: Philosophical, Ethical, Religious, or Spiritual Perspectives on Health, Medicine, Disease, and Death
- ANTH 210: Introduction to Medical Anthropology and Global Health (DSHS;DVUP)**
- ANTH 221: Introduction to Forensic Sciences
- ANTH 265: Anthropology of Global Health (DSHU; DVUP; SCIS)**
- ANTH 310: Method and Theory in Medical Anthropology and Global Health (DSSP; DVUP)**
- ANTH 411: Global Migration and Health
- ANTH 413: Health Disparities in the United States
- ANTH 415: Advanced Studies in Global Health
- BMGT 289I: Why Good Managers Make Bad Decisions
- CHIN 443: Cultural Histories of Medicine in China
- DANC 398Y: Yoga, Improvisation, and Embodied Metaphors: Investigating Philosophy through Movement
- FMSC 110: Families and Global Health (DSHS; DVCC)**
- FMSC 170: Modern Families
- FMSC 190: Man Up! Where are the Fathers?
- FMSC 310: Maternal, Child, and Family Health
- FMSC 381: Family Inequality (DSHS; DVUP)**
- FMSC 383: Health and Human Services Delivery and Evaluation
- FMSC 460: Violence in Families (DSHS; DVUP)**
- HIST 329B: Drugs in the Modern World: From Opium Wars to the War on Drugs
- HIST 401: Science and Gender (DVUP)**
- HIST 406: History of Technology
- HLTH 325: Poor in America: Health and Wellbeing
- HLTH 424: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health
- HLTH 460: Multicultural Population Health
- KNES 289W: The Cybernetic Human
- PHIL 140: Contemporary Moral Issues
- PHIL 202: Know Thyself: Wisdom Through Cognitive Science
- PHIL 203 (formerly PHIL 209J): The Rights and Wrongs of Killing People
- PHIL 209N: Know Thyself: Wisdom Through Cognitive Science
- PHIL 220 (formerly PHIL 209A): Bioethics: Regulating Right and Wrong
- PHIL 250: Philosophy of Science I
- PHIL 256: Philosophy of Biology I
- PHIL 261: Philosophy of the Environment
- PHIL 308U: The Philosophy and Practice of Yoga
- PHIL 341: Ethical Theory
- PHIL 344: Philosophy of Race (DVUP)**
- PHIL 354: Philosophy of Physics
- PHIL 362: Theory of Knowledge
- PHIL 366: Philosophy of Mind
- PHIL 453: Philosophy of Science II
- PHIL 456: Philosophy of Biology II
- PSYC 301: Biological Bases of Behavior
- PSYC 304: Biological Psychology
- PSYC 318D: Domestic Violence
- PSYC 344: Health Psychology
- PSYC 346: Death, Dying, and Grieving: What Future Healthcare Professionals Need to Know
- PSYC 498L: Death, Dying, and Grieving
- SOCY 236: Gender and Health
- SOCY 335: Sociology of Health and Illness
- SOCY 412: Family Demography
- SOCY 413: Sociology of Aging
- WGSS/HLTH 471 (formerly WMST 471): Women’s Health
- WGSS 488B: (formerly WMST 488): Health Inequality and Social Determinants
**Courses that meet the DVUP/DVCC Co-Requirement
Area 3: Health Communication
- ANTH 210: Introduction to Medical Anthropology and Global Health (DSHS;DVUP)**
- ANTH 265: Anthropology of Global Health (DSHU; DVUP; SCIS) **
- ANTH 323: Plagues, Pathogens, and Public Policy
- ANTH 412: Hypermarginality and Urban Health
- BMGT 289I: Why Good Managers Make Bad Decisions
- CHSE 376 (formerly EDSP 376): Fundamentals of Sign Language (DVCC)**
- CHSE 476 (formerly EDSP 476): Communicating with Sign Language
- COMM 324: Communication and Gender (DSHU; DVUP)**
- COMM 382: Essentials of Intercultural Communication (DVCC)**
- COMM 398E: Health Communication
- COMM 424: Communication in Complex Organizations
- COMM 427: Crisis Communication
- COMM 470: Listening
- ENGL 297: Introduction to Professional Writing
- ENGL 390: Science Writing
- ENGL 393: Technical Writing
- ENGL 395: Writing for the Health Professions
- FMSC 310: Maternal, Child, and Family Health
- FMSC 431: Family Crises, Emergencies, and Interventions
- FREN 387: Critical Writing on France and the French Speaking World
- HLTH 140: Personal and Community Health
- HLTH 230: Introduction to Health Behavior
- HLTH 234: Global Health Messages: Understanding Exposure and Impact (DSHS; DVCC; SCIS)**
- HLTH 285: Controlling Stress and Tension
- HLTH 325: Poor in America: Health and Wellbeing
- HLTH 424: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health
- HLTH 431: Health Literacy in Action
- HLTH 460: Multicultural Population Health
- KNES 260: Science of Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Health
- PLCY 359M: Leadership on the Information Ages
- PSYC 354: Multicultural Psychology in the U.S.
- PSYC 498L: Death, Dying, and Grieving
- SOCY 236: Gender and Health
- SOCY 412: Family Demography
- SOCY 413: Sociology of Aging
- SPAN 371: Spanish for the Health Professions
- WGSS/HLTH 471 (formerly WMST 471): Women’s Health
**Courses that meet the DVUP/DVCC Co-Requirement
Area 4: Historical Perspectives on Health, Medicine, Disease, and Death
- AAAS 189I: HIV/AIDS in a Global Perspective (DSSP; DVUP; SCIS)**
- ANTH 265: Anthropology of Global Health (DSHU; DVUP; SCIS)**
- ANTH 323: Plagues, Pathogens, and Public Policy
- ANTH 413: Health Disparities in the United States
- ARTH 389E: Intersections Between Science and Visual Culture in the Early Modern World
- CHIN 443: Cultural Histories of Medicine in China
- CLAS 317: Ancient Medical Thought and Modern Medical Terms
- FMSC 170: Modern Families
- FMSC 460: Violence in Families (DSHS; DVUP)**
- FREN 449: Studies in 18th Century French Literature and Culture
- HIST 204: Introduction to the History of Science
- HIST 213: History of Sexuality in America
- HIST 261: Medicine in the Age of Empires, 1500-1800 (DSHU, DVUP)**
- HIST 289Y: Zombies, Fear, and Contagion: A Cultural History of Public Health, Medicine, and Technology (DSHS OR DSHU; DVUP; SCIS)**
- HIST 401: Science and Gender (DVUP)**
- HIST 404: History of Modern Biology
- HIST 406: History of Technology
- KNES 285: History of Physical Culture, Sport, and Science in America
- PERS 498M: Sex, Gender, and Sexuality in the Islamic World
- PHIL 250: Philosophy of Science I
- PSYC 100: Introduction to Psychology
- PYSC 206: Developmental Biopsychology
- PSYC 404: Introduction to Behavioral Pharmacology
- SOCY 435: Society, Biology, and Health
- WGSS 105 Introduction to Disability Studies (DSHU, DVUP)**
- WGSS 205 Reproductive Justice: An Introduction (DSHS, DVUP)**
- WGSS 290 (formerly WMST 298D): Bodies in Contention (DSHS; DVUP; SCIS)**
- WGSS 319D: Disability Justice
- WGSS 488B: (formerly WMST 488): Health Inequality and Social Determinants
**Courses that meet the DVUP/DVCC Co-Requirement
Area 5: Cultural, Mental, Gender, or Social Dimensions on Health, Medicine, Disease, and Death
- AAAS 189I: HIV/AIDS in a Global Perspective (DSSP; DVUP; SCIS)**
- AAAS 441: Science, Technology, and the Black Community
- AMST 260: American Culture in the Information Age
- AMST 328L: Introduction to Comparative Ethnic Studies
- AMST 498Q: Asian American Psychology
- ANTH 210: Introduction to Medical Anthropology and Global Health (DSHS;DVUP)**
- ANTH 263: Sexuality and Culture (DSHS;DVUP) **
- ANTH 265: Anthropology of Global Health (DSHU; DVUP; SCIS)**
- ANTH 412: Hypermarginality and Urban Health
- ANTH 413: Health Disparities in the United States
- ARTH 389E: Intersections Between Science and Visual Culture in the Early Modern World
- BSCI 151 (formerly BSCI 150): Beyond Race: Human Biological Diversity (DSNS or DSSP, DVUP, SCIS)**
- BSCI 452: Diseases of the Nervous System
- CHSE 376 (formerly EDSP 376): Fundamentals of Sign Language (DVCC)**
- CHSE 476 (formerly EDSP 476): Communicating with Sign Language
- DANC 398Y: Yoga, Improvisation, and Embodied Metaphors: Investigating Philosophy through Movement
- EDHD 320: Human Development Through the Life Span
- EDHD 402: Social Development
- EDHD 411: Child Growth and Development
- EDHD 412: Infant Development
- EDHD 413: Adolescent Development
- EDHD 440: Adult Development
- EDSP 220: Disability in Community
- EDSP 470: Introduction to Special Education (DVUP)**
- ENGL 255: Literature of Science and Technology
- ENGL 296: Reading and Writing Disability (DSHU; DVUP)**
- ENGL 368N: Race, Health, and Narrative
- ENGL 378K: Narrating Madness
- ENGL 479Q: Food Words: Stories, Being, and the Gut
- FMSC 110: Families and Global Health (DSHS; DVCC)**
- FMSC 170: Modern Families
- FMSC 190: Man Up! Where are the Fathers?
- FMSC 260: Couples, Marriage, and Families: Intimate Relationship Across the Life Course
- FMSC 310: Maternal, Child, and Family Health
- FMSC 332: Children in Families
- FMSC 431: Family Crises, Emergencies and Interventions
- FMSC 432: Adult Development and Aging in Families
- HIST 213: History of Sexuality in America
- HIST 289Y: Zombies, Fear, and Contagion: A Cultural History of Public Health, Medicine, and Technology (DSHS OR DSHU; DVUP; SCIS)**
- HIST 406: History of Technology
- HLTH 140: Personal and Community Health
- HLTH 285: Controlling Stress and Tension
- HLTH 325: Poor in America: Health and Wellbeing
- HLTH 424: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Health
- HLTH 460: Multicultural Population Health
- HLTH 471: Women’s Health
- HLTH 489I: East Meets West: Contrastic Public Health Priorities, Pragmatics, and Polemics in the U.S. and India (Education Abroad)
- JAPN 425: The Atomic Bomb in Literature and Memory
- KNES 260: Science of Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Health
- KNES 285: History of Physical Culture, Sport, and Science in America
- KNES 289W: The Cybernetic Human
- PERS 498M: Sex, Gender, and Sexuality in the Islamic World
- PHIL 204: Happiness
- PHIL 245: Political and Social Philosophy I
- PHIL 344: Philosophy of Race (DVUP)**
- PSYC 100: Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC 234: Living the Good Life: The Psychology of Happiness
- PSYC 301: Biological Basis of Behavior
- PSYC 304: Biological Psychology
- PSYC 318D: Domestic Violence
- PSYC 344: Health Psychology
- PSYC 346: Death, Dying, and Grieving: What Future Healthcare Professionals Need to Know
- PSYC 354: Multicultural Psychology in the U.S.
- PSYC 404: Introduction to Behavioral Pharmacology
- PSYC 414: Science of Sleep and Biological Rhythms
- PSYC 455: Cognitive Development
- SOCY 236: Gender and Health
- SOCY 302: Intersectionality and Illness
- SOCY 335: Sociology of Health and Illness
- SOCY 412: Family Demography
- SOCY 413: Sociology of Aging
- SOCY 435: Society, Biology, and Health
- SOCY 470 Pregnancy and Parenthood in an Unequal Society
- WGSS 105: Introduction to Disability Studies (DSHU, DVUP)**
- WGSS 205 Reproductive Justice: An Introduction (DSHS, DVUP)**
- WGSS 290 (formerly WMST 298D): Bodies in Contention (DSHS; DVUP; SCIS)**
- WGSS 319D: Disability Justice
- WGSS/HLTH 471 (formerly WMST 471): Women’s Health
- WGSS 488B: (formerly WMST 488): Health Inequality and Social Determinants
**Courses that meet the DVUP/DVCC Co-Requirement