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ARHU Website User Guide: The Basics

The Basics


  1. Content management system (CMS): The application that is used to create and manage content on the ARHU websites. The ARHU sites use Drupal 9 as their CMS.
  2. ARHUServ: ARHU's content database that stores all media, directory profiles, news, events and research activities. I.e. a database that stores all dynamic content.
  3. Static Content/Basic Pages: A web page with content that lives on your website. For example, the "About" page on the ARHU website. This content lives only on the ARHU website and is not shared with other sites.
  4. Dynamic Content: Content that is stored in a central database and shared across multiple websites. This includes media, directory profiles, news, events and research activities.
  5. Users: Refers to you, the people using the site. Also refers to anyone with a profile in the site directory. 
  6. Visitors: Your website audience
  7. Navigation menu: an organized list of links to other web pages, usually internal pages on the site. The menus allow visitors to move quickly between the most important pages on the site. Not all pages on your site are necessarily linked from the navigation menu. The navigation menus on your website are at the top, side and bottom of each page
  8. Taxonomy: The taxonomy is the website's organizational structure of a website that helps users navigate the site. On ARHU websites, the taxonomy takes the form of 1) tags (a kind of label) that classify dynamic content into logical categories and 2) Sections, e.g. "Academics."

Logging Into the Website

Step 1: Scroll to the bottom of the homepage of your website and click ‘Log In’ in the bottom right corner. 


Step 2: Once on the login screen, select the red link that says "UMD PERSONNEL & STUDENTS CLICK HERE TO LOGIN" 


Step 3: After going through the University’s authentication process, you will be taken to your profile page. You will also see the toolbar at the top that lets you know you are logged in.



Using Workbench

Introduction to Workbench Video

Workbench: provides a consistent entry point for authenticated users. It has the following menu options:

  1. My Workbench: There are 3 blocks in this page:
    1. Your name: your name on the upper left-hand side and the menu link to add content;
    2. Your most recent edits: the 5 most recent edited content by you on the upper right-hand side;
    3. Content overview: the list of all content on the bottom.
  2. Add Content: Lists all the available menu links to create new content.
  3. Pages: this page does not exist for ARHUServ site since it does not house any pages. For all the unit sites, it will list all the basic pages and the homepage for the site. 
  4. Shared Content: lists all the shared content originated from ARHUServ that have been shared with your site, including content owned by other units. You can only edit content owned by your site. For example: if you are a site admin for Music, you will have access to the Edit tab for content with Owner field equals to School of Music.
  5. Unpublished News/Events: lists news and events submitted via “Share your news” or “Share your events”, and/or any news and events created by users who do not have access to your site. These contents were shared with your site.
  6. Media: lists all the media that were shared with your site. All media originated from ARHUServ.
  7. People: lists all the user profiles who are affiliated with your site, or have admin/editor access to your site.